If you’re reading this as a high school junior or senior, you probably already know a lot about applying to college. You may be feeling excited, confused or overwhelmed, even if you’ve always done well in school. It’s true that you’ll have to make important choices and meet a bunch of deadlines in the months ahead. But if you approach your tasks with enthusiasm and discipline you may be surprised by how exhilarating the process can be.
College is the first opportunity most people have to experience adult responsibilities and freedoms. Anything is possible! Your life will be changed forever by the things you learn, the experiences you have, and the friends and connections you make. Working hard to craft the best college essays you can has two benefits in addition to impressing admissions officers. One, your sense of who you are and what you have to offer a college community will become sharper. And two, you’ll be practicing the kind of thoughtful writing that’s expected at the college level. The words must be yours, but I’ll help you with ideas, structure and finding your “voice.” I will never give up on you, even if you’re feeling discouraged or surly. (In that case, let me know to drop off something chocolate.) If you put in the time and effort, I promise it will be worth it. |